We know that most of the public does not care about the centralization versus decentralization debate. Therefore, why not cater to them on their level.
True that, maybe 1% will stay intrigued by the terms of decentralization or open source projects. People just want to have pleasent time while surfing the web and they don't give fuck whose controling the content or informations.
I think they are being bombarded with to many infos when it comes to crypto and blockchain technology. Objectively speeking one needs to have good fundamentals in the economy, decent understanding technical background and politics in general. Like, why should regular user who came for fun know everything about the platform he utilizes?
We need to have better UI and fucking mobile app that won't have aggressive ads. Incentive is revolution by its nature, therefore making a readjusting current unique value proposition should be a priorty.
We need more of such approaches towards such topics. Nicely done.