One interesting thing about the Talmud is that it offers 1st century proof that Jesus (Yeshua ha Notzri) existed, was a descendent of King David, was crucified for sorcery ? healing the Sick and Raising the dead , blasphemy / idolatry … saying that he was God, (Creator of the Universe)
The full passage is:
The Mishna asserts a crier goes out before (a man condemned to execution). Before him (i.e. when he is being led to execution), yes; but from the outset (i.e. before his conviction), no. But isn't it taught that on Passover Eve, they hanged Yeshu (after he was killed by stoning)? And a crier went out before him (for) forty days, (proclaiming): "Yeshu is to be stoned because he practiced sorcery, incited (idolatry), and lead the Jewish people astray. Anyone who knows (a reason to) acquit him should come (forward) and reveal it on his behalf!" And they did not find (a reason) to acquit him, and they hanged him on Passover Eve.
Ulla said, "And (how can) you understand? (Was) Yeshu worthy of a search to acquit him? He was an inciter, and the Merciful One states, ‘Neither shall you spare, neither shall you conceal him.’ But, Yeshu was different, as he was close with the government (Royal Family)."
— Sanhedrin 43a