Can we have CTRL + ENTER working as a shortcut to click "Thread" to send to Thread/reply out? It's quicker than moving the cursor around.
Can we have CTRL + ENTER working as a shortcut to click "Thread" to send to Thread/reply out? It's quicker than moving the cursor around.
Believe such shortcuts are in the works. Just sum moar important things to get in order first. Yes fully agree! We need to be able to thread as fast as possible. Lastly believe TM approves of such as well.
That makes sense. Surely, the shortcuts are the most important, but they'll be nice to have around.
I thought about the same thing when I replied to others. It would be great if some features reduce the uses of cursor. I don't like to use mouse every time.
I can imagine how much faster many of us would be if we had those shortcuts working. Using the mouse often can be tedious.