IF you keep NOT geting any upvotes at all on your "thread posts", after how many posts you would QUIT ?
Give us your thoughts.
IF you keep NOT geting any upvotes at all on your "thread posts", after how many posts you would QUIT ?
Give us your thoughts.
After 69 posts
The #threads are more to interact than to #win.
Who told you this? 😃
I think most would understand the VP considerations but ideally "votes" have different modes so we can like things but choose to use VP or not.
I've given out a few upvotes to people but only about 10% of the ones that i comment on.
It would be handy to set a vote weight and make it one click to upvote.
Haven't even though about return votes.
I don't care a shit if a thread is voted or not but of course any upvote is welcome. These are low effort publications, so I guess that should be rewarded accordingly.
I'm a hard quitter. I literally blogged for free on Hive for about three years...
A billion. Honestly, people shouldn't think of it as work. Think of it as a way to express yourself. Not every thread is going to get engagement or an upvote. It's just a way to share the current moment.