
Good. Better money is better money and should be available to all no matter their goodness or badness.

This is what crypto supposed to be, but this is purely political.

Russia considers it an illegal crime to use crypto for its citizens, a Russian friend shared the other day. Strange

bc it' s Russia.

Crime for citizens, legal for government mafia.

Nothing strange at all. Always been so in ruzzia

In Mafia rule every one is scared of saying the righteous things. No freedom of action or speech 🗨️.

Control at its peak.

Well, I really don't like governments sticking their noses in because they can corrupt what's going on. It's still worth waiting to see what effect this news has. 🤔

it is a bullish news for crypto

iT sounds good

Good for crypto, showcasing that it works as it was intended. Bad for geo politics that currently uses fiat to punish bad behaviours in the world community

Time will tell

Mixture of good and bad