



There is a huge difference between your bOOm and mine.
I do like the ai image you posted a few minutes ago 😆

Dont think there are many other accounts on Inleo close to hold same amount of Leopower 😅

But I give a 100% upvote

Just gave my all, but it's not a Boom just a spec.

I have no bOOm
just doom 😶

Well, just gave you a boom using my other account! Does it help?

Would love to do that too. But there is only 1️⃣ awesome boomer on Inleo. No match to the genuine inspiration.

Damn! It auto-voted my usual. Hmmm Let me see.

I wish to have one boom to give it back someday when I have enough Leo.

What is a boom by the way. Just joined Inleo.

I can give you 3 LEO, I don't have sufficient bOOm power?

Happy bOOm day.