
Same here, but I don't feel I am weird .

I just feel gaming is not just my thing

not weird, i think the correct word is 'Simple'. And yes me too

Hmm... Does that really make you weird? 🤔


I've never touched playstation or PS4 etc.

Just Pc.

I played with it before a bit. I mostly used my PC for gaming.

YOu are not weird , you are simply not just a fan of video games

Friends tried to force me to learn it but I just failed.

I thought I was the only weird man hahaha

Those are the words of an Xbox fan

But that definition, I say 96% of all mankind is Weird. 😂

Ok is that what you're getting for Christmas? Just say it 🤣🤣🤣 if I had contact with your relatives I'll make em get you one