Luxembourg is not that small !
Map shows how big Luxembourg is compared to Singapore, Andorra, Malta, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Monaco, and the Vatican.
Luxembourg is 2,586.4 km² (998.6 sq mi) with a population of 576,249, making it yet one of the world's smallest states; 168th by size or 164th by it's
That I didn't know and it is interesting to see all those little countries. One of them pops up - Malta - which I was expecting it to be way bigger.
I have been to most of them, except Singapore, and Luxemburg is really a country. It also has a very big financial district in Luxemburg City. And 1.5 million inhabitants, so small is relative!
Learned something today. Thanks.
A big small country 🇱🇺
As of January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Luxembourg is €2,571 per month, or €14.86 per hour. This applies to all sectors.
Wouldn't have thought Malta looks to be smaller than Andorra, but never really looked. Thank you for sharing as always, always MOAR to learn.
Prosperous Luxemberg.