Up until today I was not posting much on LeoFinance. Just accumulating those LEO tokens, upvoting once in a while manually, running few wild upvoting bots 24/7, to chase the fattest possible curation rewards. Oh yes, even some comments, when I could not walk away without leaving a few words.
But the time for changes has come. It always happens, when something is brewing for a very long.
Remember that famous "Wind of Change" in the 1990 ? By SCORPIONS ?
The change to the flat rewards scheme for curators was the last drop. I stopped all my 24/7 bots on LeoFinance immediately, and started manual curations. The way I had a wish to do for a long time, just could not go against myself, to the route of fewer rewards.
You don't fail if you don't try
Yesterday I made my trial post in LeoFinance, and it was a total fail. Obviously, due to the HF24 on Hive, this post got completely lost.
Even today is is not visible on the main root level of my blog here (leofinance.io/@onealfa), and the post still holds a fat round 0.00 LEO of rewards.
One more trial done this morning. A bit better, but still far from what I expected. And here I discovered probably one major reason - I do not have enough followers! Only 76 followers on steemleo.io site, on my alt account, while I'm getting close to 5600 with the main, on HIVE.
Sure, I know, many of them are dead, and maybe dead for ever. But yet, perhaps a few hundreds are still sticking around. My long 4.5 years on Steem/Hive have left some footprints. 😃
So solution became completely obvious:
From now on, I will do all my root level postings ONLY under my main account @onealfa, while curations, upvotes, comments in LeoFinance will remain on my alternative acct @onealfa.leo.
I think very few will have any doubts, that these two accounts belongs to the same person. 😃

In fact, when new tribes have started to pop up on Steem this year, I've made a separate accounts for most tribes which I was active.
Like onealfa.pal onealfa.ccc onealfa.life onealfa.neox onealfa.sports onealfa.dlike onealfa.zzan onealfa.spt onealfa.btl onealfa.gg onealfa.photo onealfa.leo, onealfa.appics. Maybe 14 or 15 of them. I don't even remember all of them.
Alternatives, alternatives...
Why it was good to have so many ?
I could easy separate my stakes of each token, and set specific, individual curation rules on each bot, each tribe. Avoiding unwanted authors, unwanted tags, unwanted keywords, unprofitable posts, optimizing the voting power and curation timing. And most important - avoiding of wasting my voting power of certain token, where it was not of any use, any profit.
I must say, it worked, and worked pretty well for a while. Until.... most of those tribes died. Well, not all, and not completely.
But look what they a worth for today. At one time I was holding 1.5 million photo, 1.7 mln AFIT tokens. Not sure how many thousand Steem I put into them. Finally, when it went to 0.0000000001 or so of Steem , I dumped all. Got maybe 50-70 Steem back 😃
So, if you are one of those 76 followers of onealfa.leo, I suggest you better also ad my main account @onealfa to your following list.
Some plans for much more active posting has been brewing in my head for quite some time.
And I hope, I will find something interesting enough to say to my followers.
Plus, as a bonus, there you can find many of my old posts about life here in a small, tiny country Lithuania, in the very middle of Europe.
Stay tuned.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One of the most powerful pieces of music ever written and performed.
~ Scorpions
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm amazed by your agility an effort in the space. 15 account!
You have aged very well :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great to see you write. You've been one of the great oldest curators we have and I've had your votes of almost all of the tribes on my posts. Thanks for the many years of support. It would e great to read your thoughts on crypto, technology economics and finance.
This is my LEO curation account. Just for comments and upvotes on Leofinance.io. I post comments on @uyobong. Would certainly follwo you with this so I drop some cents of LEO as I read your thoughts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Welcome back to the world of writing. Good to see you're getting involved again :)
Good result for Lithuania over Estonia yesterday too!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Time for changes. Also today I will turn off the autovote on my leo. I remember hot days for steem engine😀
Palnet brought 400 steem profit from traiding.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My congrats on a good move 😉
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The LEO reward and its growth does surely call for being active on Leofinance!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have a habit of never selling anything and in fact I still keep my claudio83.leo, claudio83.sports and claudio83.ccc profiles, still keeping my tokens.
maybe in the future the other Tribes will also have a development like Leofinance 🥴
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very nice to know that we will have more content coming from you. I'm already following your primary account
Success on your journey!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta