Hello Hive.
Now cryptocurrency is by no means my area of expertise, but I’m aware of a new crypto that’ll be throwing their hat in the ring within the next couple of months, called SWEAT.
So the crypto itself hasn’t actually released yet, but you can already start earning in preparation for its release. You can do this via an app called Sweatcoin. The idea behind this app is to get people moving more, and in essence reward people for exercising. For every 1000 steps you take you earn 1 Sweatcoin, which can then be used to buy offers, or participate in auctions in the marketplace.
With that being said, at the release of the SWEAT cryptocurrency, (which hasn’t been given an exact release date yet apart from some time this summer), the developers will be giving everyone who has created a SWEAT wallet the exact amount of SWEAT tokens that is equal to the amount of sweatcoins that they own. I myself have got around 2500 sweatcoins, and I’m continuing to earn more everyday.
According to their twitter page, after the initial release, ‘minting’ the SWEAT tokens will become harder with time similarly to Bitcoin. I don’t know what kind of value the token will hold when it first releases, but it doesn’t require any monetary investment. It only requires that you walk.
As I said early crypto isn’t really my strong suit, but it seems like a good opportunity, so I’d thought I’d share it here. If you want to have a look at their twitter page, you can do so here: @SweatEconomy.
If you are interested in having a look at the app, then you can download it by following my link: https://sweatco.in/i/aaron367917 Check out this free app — It Pays to Walk 🚶