Any advance that occurs in the world regarding the regulatory issue around cryptocurrencies is one more step towards their global adoption; In this sense, the adoption of Bitcoin by El Salvador at the time, was a great advance in the matter; and so is the fact that cryptocurrencies are currently being accepted as a means of payment in the United Arab Emirates.
Dubai, the world's center of attention
Due to the gigantic development that Dubai has had in recent years, it has been the subject of a lot of news, but I think that for those of us in the cryptographic environment, none has been as important as the one I am here to comment on today.
Dubai, a city characterized by great luxuries, great mansions, great cars, great food and great lifestyle, has shops and companies that are currently accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a means of payment.
The things that can be bought with cryptocurrencies in Dubai are as diverse and varied as clothing and food, even luxury cars (high-end vehicles) and many more things. And this is truly an important thing to point out, because it implies a huge leap forward in cryptocurrency adoption globally.
We can even go to a restaurant, eat what we want and simply pay with our cryptocurrencies at the value they have in dollars today. And this, without a doubt, is something that opens the doors for those of us who support cryptocurrencies and use them on a daily basis.
Development of side and side
The point is that this news is gigantic, because it implies development on both sides, for both parts; because on the one hand, cryptocurrencies benefit from being commonly used in a city as luxurious and important worldwide as Dubai; and on the other, Dubai is also experiencing the benefits and development and breadth of having cryptocurrencies as a means of payment.
And another point in favor of everything that this acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment implies is Dubai, is the fact that new companies and projects linked to the cryptographic environment will seek to have their headquarters in such a destination, and there is also the fact that more cities and countries in the world will join in imitating what Dubai has done.
It is only a matter of time, but Dubai has set a milestone with all this. We will see the positive implications of all this in the not too distant future; that is something we can intuit from thousands of kilometers away.
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