Much has been said over the years about time; many say that time is money, that time is more than money, etc. But what few say is that time can be both an ally and an enemy of our economy.

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Ally or foe?
To put it in simple terms, if time is well spent, it can become an ally, but if it is misused, then it is the worst enemy of our personal finances.
It is not necessary that we extend ourselves into too many explanations regarding this, because the subject is quite clear. But to exemplify a bit; Let's talk about the case of a person who loses its job for whatever reason, and for whatever reason it can't find a job again; It happens then that each day that go by its personal economy suffers more, until it reaches a state of critical poverty that prevents its from covering its most basic needs. In this case, time is the enemy of that person's economy, because with each day that passes, it becomes poorer, economically speaking.
On the other hand, a person who works every day, and changes jobs, and always has a job, will have a healthy economy; and therefore time is his ally.
But to give a better example in the case of a person who makes investments, that is, a person who buys and sells cryptocurrencies, shares, currencies, etc. If that person is efficient in what it does; then that means that time is its ally, because as time goes by, it is going to get richer and richer.
We must turn time into our ally
And the fundamental here is that if we want to be millionaires one day, we must turn time into our ally, and we will achieve this through investments, trades and businesses that allow us to be more prosperous every day.
Because if we turn time into our ally, then nothing will be impossible for us to achieve, and each time we will have much more economic wealth. A passive investment, which generates interest over time, or an investment in real estate, is also another good example of how we can turn time into our ally.
Do you know some other ways to turn time into our ally? Please mention them in the comments.
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