BlackRock now holds more Bitcoin than MicroStrategy

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Immediately I saw people post about BlackRock now holding more Bitcoin than Michael Saylor's company MicroStrategy. The first thing that came to my head or mind to all the people posting and tweeting about it was "Tell me you do not know the difference between ETF AUM (assets under management) and actual assets on the balance sheet, without telling me you do not know.

For clarity's sake, Total Asset and Asset Under Management (AUM) are two commonly used terms in the world of finance. While people think they a similar and often interchange them or confuse them to be the same, they are actually different. The total assets of a company may be smaller than its assets under management (AUM) because the AUM includes assets managed on behalf of third parties as well as the premium collected from their own clients. In contrast, the total assets only include the company's owned assets and are reflected in their balance sheet.

So to all those tweeting on X running Micheal Saylors Microstrategy down because MicroStrategy has 193,000 Bitcoin in total assets on their balance sheet and BlackRock has 198,000 Bitcoin, they even tweeted about how Microstrategy accumulated all their Bitcoins in 42 months or 3 years and 5 months while Blackrock accumulated all their Bitcoin in 2 months.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha