It think a huge part of the problem is people confusing "wasting" energy w/ "using" energy. To say that Bitcoin potentially providing an alternative to the legacy banking system is "wasting energy" is ridiculous...and its quite scary that people have been duped into seeing it that way.
& "Simply bad" is a very shallow statement, especially considering POW is what has secured BTC all these years. & more importantly, if POW is simply bad, what "good" alternatives are you comparing it to?
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Compared to anything that does not require brute force.
Imagine your account changed passwords every 10 minutes and you had a list of password to try every time you use it.
It would be safe and you would be using all those keys, I can't deny tou would be using, but it would be a huge waste of time.
Brute force is by definition a waste od resources and avoided in computer science whenever possible. PoS proves an alternative is possible so it is a waste to use PoW.