"Unfortunately, not everyone has equal chances in life" I can relate!
I'm a newbie and feel lost in crypto stuff, as you wrote getting the extra mile is a hard challenge some times that requires a little help and support to make easier to be introduced in this world.
I don't know who you are, but reading the comments it seems that you're a coach on this matter? I'll visit your blog after posting this.
Hi Nat, thank you very much for dropping by and commenting.
I am in the crypto space since 2017, and I also often feel lost seeing how quickly everything moves! I really dont know what I would do if I joined now.
My advice is to take your time and to not want to learn everything at once. It is not possible.
You are lucky because there is lots of information online now, that were not easy to find back then.
If you have any questions and you think i could help please shoot me
Thanks for answering me, I'm following you now and maybe your posts could print my path through my slowly learning journey 😁