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RE: Dropped the Chain

in LeoFinance9 months ago

I dunno. While I would like to see a broader adoption of the use of bitcoin, until it is more easily usable, someone like your friend might be better off in fiat. One uses the currency one is most comfortable with. I recently made my first bitcoin purchase, a mere $150, and it felt really good! If we want more of us to go in, it has to be more easily usable. This will happen when more of us use it.

I try to get friends to go into crypto and they all think I am nuts. I went in, kind of big, at just under 20, and am very happy today. Now they simply will not do it, not at this price. The minute by minute volatility (which your friend talked about) is daunting. Compared to the stock market, where you are encouraged to leave your money for decades on end, I imagine some just cannot really understand it. BTC is, basically, not boring enough for fiat users to trust.