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RE: Liking Those Chains

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Nowadays, people live based on stereotypes. The world is taking absurd, but certainly not encouraging, directions. I confess, my friend, that I have never embraced victimhood. Especially in the professional field, I have always managed to get by, and I believe that with determination, one can always find the right path.

They say you should do a job you love, sure, I understand that. However, I must confess that for a boatload of money, I would gladly do any job, regardless of whether I enjoy it. After all, work, to me, is an action carried out in exchange for a financial reward; there is nowhere that it is written that it has to be enjoyable. The important thing is that the financial compensation is adequate.

Many people act picky, refusing jobs because they don't like them, they don't find them passionate or fulfilling, and then they don't have enough money to put food on the table... to me, this is absurd. Those who behave this way are truly ridiculous and, in my view, irresponsible.