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RE: The Right Time to Move

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I fully agree with you!
In my view it is always good to be prepared and ready and to act in advance rather than waiting for the last second.

If necessary, I'm for example for a second job, just in the past few days I had found one that I accepted and I should start on the 15th of this month... it just so happens that in the first job they didn't renew my contract.

Acting in advance and in a timely manner, today I still find myself in work which, if I had procrastinated, I would not have ... finding myself unemployed.

But now I'm planning what to do and I won't deny you that if I had to find the good opportunity I would immediately take another job so as to have two .... I can do without it but if I find it I prefer to take it and set aside funds for emergencies and to invest, it seems to me the best thing in the current situation.


just in the past few days I had found one that I accepted and I should start on the 15th of this month... it just so happens that in the first job they didn't renew my contract.

Sorry about the non-renewal, but that is some good luck and preparedness in having the second starting. Have a good start!

if I had procrastinated, I would not have ... finding myself unemployed.

And finding work from an unemployed position is always harder I think.

I live everything with Philosophy, let's say I can devote myself more to my family, writing and my passions.

Diciamo che viviamo bene anche con un lavoro e riuscirei a portare avanti la carretta anche senza lavoro eh eh.
Preferisco però continuare per ora per incrementare i miei risparmi 💪😉