I guess diminishing curation returns are only to be expected. The pool of writers, bloggers and curators grows, the reward pool doesn't.
In my own curating I see the same pattern. Each week a little less as the LEO available for rewards and curating gets spread put further and further. Which is a good thing, I think.
Posted using Dapplr
It all depends upon the amount of LEO staked. If that grows, our portion of the whole decreases.
If people start to unstake and use LEO for other purposes, we will see our rewards growing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's a valid point.
Let's hope then the new LeoBridge causes a new round of unstakes to provide liquidity in both pools
Posted using Dapplr
@lbi-token i see that happening soon especially with the new wonderful projects which are up...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta