Have you ever wondered why most body parts appeared in double form? Double eyes, double legs, nose has two holes, double hands, double ears, double kidneys, double testicles,
double adrenal glands, double lungs, double breasts and double ovaries.
Humans have pairs of some organs because redundancy can provide backup functionality and improve the chances of survival in case one organ fails. For example, we have two lungs and two kidneys because losing one can still allow us to breathe and filter waste from our blood.
Dual parts of the body.
The coming of dual parts of the body is all about God's economies and use of energy. Bipedalism is far more efficient than any other form of body functioning. As regards the creation of two legs, a theory described it as being advantageous for carrying objects. Bipedalism frees the hands to do interesting things like make and use tools easily to do things. Two eyes compliment each other to enable human to see clearer and further. Two pairs of kidney, lungs, breast makes for utmost functioning of the body
Independent functioning of the parts
Each of these parts can also function without the other, making them like spare parts. If one stops operation, or becomes mal functional, the other will continue to serve the body. It has been discovered that one can function in life with only one hand, one leg, one arm, one eye, one breast, one pair of kidney or ear etc. So the pairs work together and they still function independently. Thanks to God, thanks to the nature for being so thoughtful and amazingly economical.
Thanks for going through this piece. I am @pastormike