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RE: DeFi Could Be The Next Growth Engine For U.S - Mark Cuban

in LeoFinance4 years ago

We are curious why you are using the topic-tag #peakd ... this post doesn't seem to actually about so we are confused why it's using that topic/hashtag. Let us understand your thinking behind using is as a TOPIC tag.


  • If it's because you posted using the interface there really isn't a reason to use that topic. We already denote which posts were created via without needing to use one of your limited topic tags.

  • If you're doing it to get views I will let you know the analytics do not support that theory it's really just one person... Just ME that looks at the #peakd topic page

  • It also does not trigger any tokens from third parties such as hive-engine.

Anyway just curious as we would personally prefer to only see posts that talk about PeakD use the TOPIC tag #peakd