
Welcome. I will be taking a break to get fuel for my devices. Try to hold my position. The brown lions are right behind us. I will be back #blacklions

Good one, just come back and finish up with us, we definitely miss you here for the main time, we keep grinding till you're back mate.

We do this for you

You continue to be the frontline of #blacklions, we go on to victory.

Collective effort matter's now, just as you're here too, let keep giving it all our efforts mate, we move and win this together


Wut is these hashtags :/.

You aren't a #blacklions mate I guess, when it for where I belong in the quest, I guess you missed the announcement post, that Why, but of all just keep engaging mate.

Yea, was inactive busy with IRL.

Just saw that announcement and know what's going on.