I'm busy, busy, busy learning all about investing.
I'm reading websites, signing up for newsletters and watching videos.
YouTube has become my go-to place of learning.
There are plenty of investment related channels to chose from...
My Top Five YouTube Channels
I've been exploring all sorts of financial related YouTube channels over the last few weeks.
There seems to be many of them, with a lot springing up in past 12 - 18 months.
They are all of course "for entertainment only" and definitely not for financial advice !
Working out which channels provide reliable "entertainment" (and valid information) is the tricky bit.
How old the channel is, the number of subscribers and view counts are of course good indicators - but beyond that it is rather trial and error.
The two main channels I watch have both been around for several years and cover wider financial subjects but do give solid investment information...
Graham Stephan [2.71 million subscribers]
Meet Kevin [1.15 million subscribers]
My next two picks are less all round "financial entertainment" and more targeted "stock picker" type channels.
The older of the two is Stock Moe, a teacher and former licensed stockbroker and financial advisor...
Stock Moe [284K subscribers]
The other "stock picker" type channel is My Financial Friend, one of the newer breed of investment channels that has sprung up over the past year or so...
My Financial Friend [77.8K subscribers]
Both Stock Moe and My Financial Friend employ the increasingly popular 'Patreon First' model of revealing their 'hot stock tips' to their paying Patreons before putting them out on YouTube.
It would be interesting to know how their YouTube revenue compares against their monthly Patreon income.
The final pick in my top five is a bit more 'researchy' than the others but produces some very interesting and more in depth investment related videos...
Casgains Academy [98.4K subscribers]
All my top five channels are USA based.
I have been keen to find some good UK based finance / investment YouTube channels.
There a few emerging that I am beginning to explore but none with the track record, the following, or in fact the "entertainment value" of the US channels.
Of the UK channels one that is a bit ahead of the others is ...
MamaFurFur [57K subscribers]
If anyone knows of any other good UK based investment channels do please let me know.
I am soaking up all the information I can from these channels, watching at least a couple of hours of videos every day.
Do comment below if you have any other channels you would recommend.
I have taken a look on 3Speak. The two main finance related channels appear to be from @louisthomas and @rollandthomas.
Both seem to be mainly crypto related which I will get to in a future post. @rollandthomas also produces more general investment related content but it is at a more advanced level that I am currently at.
In the meantime I will keep watching, and keep learning.
Please note, I am not a financial expert and this is not financial advice. Do your own research and seek professional advice if needed.
[ image from pixabay.com ]
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Here is someone from the UK: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkTilbury/
This are ok for beginners and most important perk they have as they shall be used as motivation to get started.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for this tip - definitely worth a watch.
Thank you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Love this post. I’ll check out a few of these. I’m only familiar with meet Kevin. I like his advice.
Happy viewing!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is a fantastic post. Not because of the channels you like but that you are using youtube which is the number 1 suggestion engine in the history of the world and that will probably never change. I have been pushing hard to get people to pay just a little attention to the LeoFinance youtube channel and get to that important 1000 subscriber mark. Theoretically one should be able to learn from that channel as well over time. I was planning my next in my series of youtube posts for tomorrow and reading yours made my day. (although for slightly different reasons) Hats off to you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you.
It will definitely be a good way to promote LeoFinance through a strong YouTube channel. Looking forward to more seeing more LeoFinance video content.
I wonder if the YouTube channel could be featured on the LeoFinance home page to make more people aware of it?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I watched Graham Stephan grow up on youtube brings tears to my eyes lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
hahaha,, i dont knw it's a joke or kinda something sarcasm
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
lol, he's a cool guy seems really down to earth and puts in some serious hard work.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, he does come over as one of the more grounded financial YouTubers. He doesn't get too hyped up and hyperbolistic.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I’m not a fan of many of these personal Finance channels they just repeat the same old tropes regardless of the way the market reacts as if there is no real nuance to what is happening. I think a lot of people who follow them and even themselves will get burned most of their investment are in one asset class or correlated asset classes and are not set up for any sort of volatility
I prefer peeps like real vision, the investors podcast, George Galloway, the super fantastic happy hour and the peter Schiff show! They are by no means perfect and the ball also ou tong their own products or ads but they do take a lot more care and research into the information they provide
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Is the George Galloway the Scottish politician?
Have you got links for the others? I will check them out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Whoops, I mean't George Gammon,
More info why you see this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you.
Just read about Toruk - good plan.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can add icelandic investor and swedish investor 👌
These both look very interesting - now subscribed.
Thank you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So does learning from these helps in investing in stocks and get good returns ? Is it short term investment or long term ?
I hope they will help me learn!
I am just starting out on investing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yesterday, a friend of mine recommended Meet Kevin, and now you're doing the same. Now I'll have to do some learning!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hope you find the channel interesting.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Even though they have a youtube channel it is much more than that.I know none of these. I get most of my investment knowledge and information from https://www.realvision.com/
their free crypto videos are really worth it and much more professional
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not come across RealVision - it looks interesting.
Thank you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
really worth having a look, even the free stuff
I would recommend Cathie Wood from Ark Investments. She runs the largest actively manage fund in the United States. Watching her podcast is good way to get an idea of macroeconomic fundamentals and she also gives you an idea of how investors in the field think. If you understand how big investors think and you can get ahead of them on trades then you can make a lot of money when they pile in behind you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have started following Cathie Wood. She is definitely becoming an influential figure in the investment world.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I love your list but can you also list maybe 2 or 3 YouTubers who also cover crypto investing and earning as well? Otherwise, keep up the good writing. cheers.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am working on a separate list for crypto channels.
Any suggestions?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the recommendations, @pennsif.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are welcome.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I watch Graham now and then also,he for sure knows his marketing and got good "financial advice", I'll be checking out the rest also!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If you find any other good channels along the way do let me know.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
All these channels are very helpful, the same thing happens to me I have learned with the videos and increasingly accurate information
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great list. I know and follow many of them. One thing I can add to the list is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCagiBBx1prefrlsDzDxuA9A and https://www.youtube.com/user/timothysykesdotcom
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I watched Graham a lot too. Especially his reaction video. But personally, its not because i want to have knowledge about investment, its more so that i can watch out and be catious of my spending. I can just imagine his disapproval of my bags and wallet 😂😂😂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What do yo know about GSPartner and G999 coin?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I would also like to learn more but most of the excellent channels that give real information and are not in English and since I am so fluent I have a hard time understanding it but I will try to follow your search advice regarding age and amount of videos I really want to learn more about the subject and I think like you that YouTube can be a good source of information.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you ... this is very useful
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the recomendations!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta