
I've quite literally had in-person drinks with 5 out of this 6 on two different continents (and up to at least 4 of them simultaneously if happy, hazy memory serves) and the 6th -I'm quite transparent and pleased to say- has become a dear friend, whom I have had many voice chats with him and his wife over the past years.

One of the magical things about a decentralized social, info sharing blockchain that does indeed breed strong social, info sharing connections and loyalty to the community and ecosystem is that... well, you end up interacting socially, sharing info, and forming relationships with those people. Steem, and now Hive, has done that for me. Based on this particular analysis, may as well throw me into the colluding top twenty numbers as a witness too ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


My account was created then because that's when I found my first POW block, same goes for most of those others and their owners aside from those created by @register, which was a service meant to intake the non-mining-literate mostly from the BitShares crowd. This was before Steemit (the website) was even publicly announced and there were a handful of posts and comments, pretty much tests. Early days.

I guess those 6 accounts could be run by one puppetmaster who stays up 24/7, is able to present multiple personalities that talk to each other, and can fake different accents over voice chat. But the more likely explanation is they're individual people. It doesn't look like jesta has anything to do with the steempress account anymore either.

All of the early adopters of Steem created their accounts around the same time. That's when the blockchain was getting going.

Downvoted for more useless annoying tagging. FYI, you can mention account names to discuss them without turning them into tags.