Hey man! Do you have more info on when 3Speak is coming back?
I have no info about it at all...
This is not the best time for these issues... Crypto is coming back to the focus, and our main apps are not working... ☹️ I'm a bit fed-up regarding 3Speak... While I do understand the need to move to a better tech, this period of "NOT WORKING AT ALL" shouldn't exist, especially not this long... That's why we have test networks, where you try things, and when they are ready, you remove the old tech and implement the new...
But, it's easy to preach from the sidelines...
You know, I don't know what has been going on with 3Speak. But I do know the 2 guys are very pro decentralization. And they often encouraged others to have their own video front end on the SPK Network.
What I'm saying here has no factual backing of my knowledge, but if this is a route they chose to upgrade the 3SPeak tech, maybe they chose it this way also as a warning so that other parties understand more video front ends (+ probably encoders for SPK Network) may be needed to avoid centralization.