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RE: My Hive Goals (Week 2, 2025)

in LeoFinance8 days ago

Oh, it looks like I missed your first, initial post for #MyHiveGoals... Anyways, prestige is a nice metric to follow and tbh, I use all my earnings and focus to build that up ASAP... At the moment, I'm at level 26, but it was a while when I upgraded from 25... So, it is a slow process...

Good luck with your goals!!! 💪


So, you think it would be very difficult to make it to prestige 30 this year? It might be. It is more than a wish than a calculated goal, where I take into account if it is attainable or not. Within a few weeks or months I'll probably know if it is attainable or not.

I'm not sure how Prestige "progress" is calculated... For example, I can't get my head around this...

So, I can burn a max of 3400 PARTs that will "work" for my reputation and will grow my prestige...

For a long time, the limit was at 3150, and I have no idea what I did to raise it to 3400... A higher limit would mean faster progress, but I'm not sure how to make that limit higher... Tbh, I didn't research all the parts of the game as there are many things happening... lol...

I actually tried to look for that information before I set my goal and couldn't find anything. Thought that was the max, lol. Mine is 2525, so you are way ahead on this one.

I suppose that you get bigger "steps" after reaching new levels... But, not sure if it happens after every Prestige upgrade, or every second...

I found out more info in the meantime. But it will still be very difficult to complete this goal this year. I'll probably either have to make it a multi-year goal or slash the level number to a more manageable one. We will see.

So, what I found out. You can increase the max rep conversion rate in 3 ways, beyond the 50 xp/h point:

  • via Faith, after level 600 (very difficult for me to reach that)
  • via modules that give a % to max rep conversion (they are expensive)
  • via guild training

Thanks for sharing your findings!!! I will try to tweak some of those... :)