I'm not too much worried about governments stopping crypto or any other BS from mainstream media... It's impossible to stop crypto and that's a fact... they can try, but they will fail...
On the other side, I have recognized myself in your story about thinking about the worst and hoping for the best... It is hard (and almost forbidden) to think positively when we had a long bear market period... I suppose that I'm maybe more cautious than FUDding, but still, I agree with you that it's not a good thing to be over negative...
Nice thoughts! Thanks for sharing!
It's the reverse psychology that mostly happens in crypto. During periods as this, we're quick to think in the superlative. This period in crypto has never happened before, so it got people readjusting and trying to stay sane and a little bit positive, while having them prepare for the best. I think when we try not to be too negative, we end up holding our ground and keep building, despite what the media is saying..
However, there are people who have unchartered and queer coping mechanism.
Like you've pointed out, crypto is here to stay. Thanks for the amazing comment.
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