I'm about dispatching some oils to some client.
I'll take things a little easy today, write some posts and keep you guys posted on my findings on the predictions by those with mental disability.
I'm about dispatching some oils to some client.
I'll take things a little easy today, write some posts and keep you guys posted on my findings on the predictions by those with mental disability.
he oil for?
They are essential oils used for therapeutic purposes.
oh! Good
may your plans be accomplished
I pray so too.
What are the oils for? Maybe I could need
They are essential oils used to improve our well-being.They serve many purposes but you can research to find out more.
Alright, what's their names
They are many: Peppermint, sweet orange, lemon, lavender, Rosemary etc.Just research on the different types of essential oils.
Good day to you friend, it's a new month and so glad to see your threads today. Please tag me in your post, I would love to read more about it👍👍👍..
Do have a great day 🕊️🕊️🕊️.
I'll do so, thanks a lot
You are welcome sir👍👍👍.
Happy new month, what are those oils meant for?
They are therapeutic oils.You can research on the different types of essential oils.Peppermint,Tea tree etc
Oh ok I will do just that
Hope you make sales today. Cant wait to watch some epl games tonight. And wait for Nigeria Afcon game tomorrow.
I am yet to get a contact if the Angolan FA.You know my intent😂😂😂
Thanks, business has started today and I have to meet the needs of some clients.
Keep your clients happy and they will
That's very true, thanks a lot.
I have just resolved an issue with a client at a bank,just left tho bank now.
can't wait to hear your findings
I interviewed some people today so as to find out why they and others go to meet people with mental disability for predictions and what they said sounds hilarious but to them it's true.
A lot of them believe that people with disabilities have some special spiritual powers that makes them see or know things that others don't see.. While others said that a lot of those with this problem are possessed of demons.
It is their belief that if those with mental health disorder are appeased with gifts they reveal winning numbers, sports scores and other predictions.From my findings everything points to black magic.
If what they say is true, I wonder why the government can't engage them to fix our economy, predict the outcome of a policy, help in solving crimes or predict the outcome of elections.I went on to ask how accurate these predictions are.
Some told me that it's a 50-50 chance of accuracy.So,it then suggests that if it's 50-50 anyone else can equally give those predictions,my thoughts though.
In all, there's nothing as good as working to earn money so as to reap the rewards of hard work.I was able to do most of the things I planned to do today.I will be publishing my post tomorrow morning.
The way I went about my findings on this matter made me look like an investigative journalist.Some people were hesitant to speak on the issue because they don't like speaking to strangers.@caleb-marvel.