I got up this morning to see a friend and guess what I saw as I passed through a street.It was the sight of young boys and girls standing at both sides of the street puffing out smoke of marijuana.#Threadstorm
I got up this morning to see a friend and guess what I saw as I passed through a street.It was the sight of young boys and girls standing at both sides of the street puffing out smoke of marijuana.#Threadstorm
With the look on their faces, I could not dare look for long talk less of taking a picture.They were busy at what they were doing.Cultivating and smoking cannabis is banned but people still smoke it openly
My attention was drawn to the number of young boys and girls I saw at the scene.Those who were not smoking were busy wrapping other substances I guess may be stronger than marijuana.All are meant to make them high
chai, what a sight or view to have encountered, the way people are taking this smoking of weeds like it's normal just makes me wonder what's going on, and a girl was smoking too.
It's just crazy and it's getting worse by the day
I learned that some resort to the abuse of regular drugs like codeine and cough syrups.Sometimes I wonder how and where they learned these things and how they got to know the efficacy of these in making them high.
To my surprise, I saw policemen amongst them smoking openly.The shock comes from the fact that they are supposed to enforce the law banning such things but unfortunately they are part of the problem
Policemen are meant to be law enforcers but now they are law breakers and this is common in most parts of the world.I remember seeing a policeman take a bribe when I traveled to another country.Its a universal problem
Substance abuse has increased recently in my country and this to me poses a serious challenge to the society.Some of those who engage in it end up taking to crime while some youths will abandon school.
The rising cases of mental health problems is tied to substance abuse.Although globally there have been efforts to by governments to stop this but the results have been minimal as it's prevalence keeps increasing.
Some government officials have been accused of indulging in the use of these substances.Imagine asking those policemen I saw to enforce such laws.How would they do it.They may only pay lip service to it
Some are of the opinion that marijuana has some medical value which can be helpful to humans and so some countries are legalizing it's use.Many start ups now extract CBD from a type of cannabis for medical use
What do you think, should cannabis be legalized considering the health implications it's abuse has been causing?