in LeoFinancelast year

In my childhood years, I have longed for a time that I will be able to work, earn a living and buy the best things I desire for myself. I remember in the late 70s and 80s that we had no video machine at home and I will sometimes go to visit my friends whose parents could afford a video player. During school holidays I and a few friends will trek for about 45 minutes to get to the home of one of our friends so as to watch Bruce Lee films and Indian movies. On our way, we'll talk about our expectations of what Bruce Lee will do in the movie. The sad moment comes when we have to leave for our homes.

By the time I was grown up the use of such machines have been discontinued and the trend was the use of a digital video disc player(DVD). A lot of friends and colleagues bought DVDs of different make,some would last while others will not. A common complaint that they had then was that the DVD machines become so hot and start malfunctioning after playing for about 5 to 6 hours, so out of fear they will have to turn it off. I needed a machine that will not have this problem, will be durable and give me value for money.

The DVD machines from big electronic companies were selling for betweenN8000-N12000 at the time. So I went from shop to shop searching for a DVD player that will be good but at a price I can afford. Almost all the shops I went to in the city did not have a machine that can play for longer hours without getting hot. One of the shops told me that it was only a Sony DVD player produced for the Malaysian or Singapore markets that can work the way I want. Now my search was now narrowed to a Sony DVD player but all the shops I went to didn't have the type I needed.

One of the shops asked me to come back after 2 months but by the time I went back it wasn't available. I had to go to the store of my company's thrift and cooperative society to see if they have the machine in stock but they too did not have the machine.They promised me that it will be available in less than a month, I was asked to pay a deposit for the machine so that they can give me a loan facility to buy the machine, the receipt of the loan used in buying the machine can be seen below.

When I unboxed the Sony DVD player,umy joy was unbounded and I couldn't keep the news to myself. It was time to test the machine.I invited a few friends on a public holiday and together we watched all the series of the epic film Odysseus and the first two series of the movie Lord Of the Rings.


The machine worked for almost 13 hours non-stop and by the time I touched it it was just warm. I used that machine for many years until I had to buy a modern sound system.Another thing that makes me love that machine so much was that its lens was very good and I never had any cause to change it at any time.unlike the ones bought by my friends.It was very durable.Even when I bought another entertainment system, I found it hard to dispose of the machine and I kept it for some more years before I finally disposed of it.Below is the remote control that came with the machine when I bought it.

Although it was about three times higher than the price of similar devices in the market, to me it was money well spent on a quality device. I considered it the best at that time. There have been other devices since then, and modern entertainment devices of different types can be found in the market.That device that I bought then is still dear to me because of the need that it filled then.So if I am to talk of a quality equipment of its type that I bought I will give it to the Sony DVD player.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


At least you got a device with quality, no matter the price it was bought as long as it serves the purpose for which it was bought then There's no problem.

Yeah, looking back I wish electronic devices have a way of being updated so that they will remain in use continuously.

Nice one here, you decided to get the best, and the best is here.