Everytime this happens in the states, Canadians ignorantly assume we have the same supply chains.
My significant other works in supply chain logistics, and monitors all of the prices for a store.
There is not a baby food shortage, 1 brand is having issues exporting from Texas due to increased demand in the states near their factory.
Supply and demand seems to be a foreign topic to a lot of people...
Step 1 Production
Step 2 Packaging
Step 3 Warehousing & Trucking Logistics
Step 4 Distribution (handled by retailers)
Step 5 Retail
The issue that is sensational is between Step 2 and 4, and has a logical explanation.
I would bet you 5 Hive, that if you go to every store in your city, and check Amazon prime, you wouldn't be experiencing any shortage of anything after checking the entire supply chain for availability.
I think people make the mistake of thinking Walmart and the big chain stores are somehow not effected by the supply chain and the basic bottlenecks of retail sales.
The issue is not that there isn't formula, the issue is that there are shortages in what formula some babies are used to, and the result, is babies who are uncomfortable.
Most are still fed.
The bigger issue is babies who have special needs and need specific formulas.
Most babies in the United States are breastfed at birth, and most babies can handle the stress of the formula changes
The point of this article is that the supply chain is failing some babies.
Of course there isn't a baby food shortage
As baby food can be easily made at home. The shortage is in the formula.
Also. Canada what?
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