Few days to Christmas, the streets and shops are glowing with decoration. Remember the colours involved? Green, red, and white. I'm looking forward to having some oyful moments with my family.❤️
#ladiesofhive #familyandfriends
Few days to Christmas, the streets and shops are glowing with decoration. Remember the colours involved? Green, red, and white. I'm looking forward to having some oyful moments with my family.❤️
#ladiesofhive #familyandfriends
it's always a joyful time if the year, is it just me or the air and the weather smells Christmas too
yep. But not too good though.
It's dusty and dry over here.
This time is magical for all of us, we spend more time with our family, we take advantage of all the Christmas spirit to review what we did, what went right or wrong and thus, make plans so that 2024 is something better than this year. I love spending Christmas with my family.
I’m glad you can relate. I'm yet to make my 2024 plans though.
You will find the best plans, I'm sure of that, everything has its time, even for planning. I really hope that everything works out for you! A big hug!
I hope so too.🙏🏼😫.
A very big hug right back at you.🫂
yea I could feel the atmosphere of joy everyone is ready for this year Christmas most places are already decorated with flowers and colourful lights this Christmas will be superb
Yes o.
People will kill a lot of chicken 😢l