
Once we are content with what we have. We will be living happily. But once we are comparing ourselves with others, we are inviting anger and depression in our lives. Good morning dear. How was your sleep

You have written well. My sleep was interrupted at 3am.
I'm sure you can understand 😊

hahahaha, I understand. Mine too. You know, nothing good comes easy. We want to achieve something not so? We can sleep later

We are not greedy. We are contented with the little we have.

Contentment is a good moral,if we are contented we will be grateful discontentment brings complain

Yes, discontentment breeds anger and complains

Yes , you're on point and we should choose the right path of contentment

contentment is the key especially for a lady to not fall into the wrong

That's such a profound message, and so true! There is something to be said for finding contentment and happiness in the simple things in life.