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RE: Ethereum breaks $1,467

in LeoFinance4 years ago

It's an interesting one, what type of highs do you think it'll hit? we think it'll get up to around 2,500 USD the projections are crazy though, thank you for the update on GAS prices. We have a small holding of ETH and ChainLink which also seems to be making seismic moves, our main holding is Electroneum, we bought that just after ICO over 3 years ago and have been buying the dips, we really like what this does, it'd be interetsing to hear your thoughts on Electroneum / AnyTask thank you.


It's an interesting one, what type of highs do you think it'll hit?

I am a firm believer if anyone tells you where a token will be tomorrow, they are full of shit. So your guess is as good as mine.

it'd be interetsing to hear your thoughts on Electroneum / AnyTask thank you.

I am unfortunately not familiar with either.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah interesting, we invested in ETN due to what it was dev'd for a way for people to buy electricty, air time, construction items etc in 3rd world countries, initially it was to be for gaming, Anytask is basically Fiverr utilising ETN to create mass adoption, thank you for the reply