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RE: Appreciating the Year Past and Future

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Glad that you are still here to tell the tale, @tarazkp! I know the saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" but all it feels like is how much stronger do I have to be?

"The stroke has affected fundamental components of my core foundation and now, I feel like someone related, but not the same as me. It is a disturbing feeling to say the least and of course I know that it is "still me", but perhaps in time it will fade and I will learn who this new version is and connect and integrate into them."
Wow - that one really hit me hard! Although my brain damage comes from an electrocution injury and CRPS, you managed to sum up exactly how this kind of damage feels. I too am not the me that I was, and having lost control over my mobility and functionality, it does kinda feel like having to get to grips with a new (not better) version of yourself...

My fingers are crossed that your mighty powers of visualisation are not gone-gone, but just waiting for the right time to re-emerge (like a phoenix rising from the ashes)

Happy New Year to you and yours - here's to a glorious 2022!

Ben & Annabelle :)