In today's rapidly world. Everyone desires to obtain or create something quickly. You could lose your job if you are even one minute late. You see full-grown people having childish tantrums a few seconds later. People who are unable to wait like skipping the line. This is the world we live in. Everything should go quickly. However, impatience can be costly. It may even put your life in jeopardy.
Patience is a valuable asset in real life. It's even more crucial in the crypto world. I've introduced many people to cryptocurrency system as part of my push for mainstream adoption. Even after I explain the nature of the market - its fluctuations and unpredictability - many of the newbies I brought in are impatient. They buy a particular coin today, and it begins to fall the next day. They don't have any patience. They want to get their money as soon as possible. I advise them to stay put. They don't wait for the market to give them what they want. As a result, they sell their holdings to fiat currency at a loss, as well as incurring fees. Then they'll complain about how their money is depreciating. They forget that any
They have forgotten that after a bear, their is always a bull, maybe after few days the coin will move up again and the grumbling will increase as they'll be regretting why they sold their holding. Little patience would have saved them some money, just little patience.
The lesson is clearly visible. They believe that the patient dog eats the fattest bone in life. It doesn't always work that way, but it does the majority of the time. Patience pays off in the end, particularly when you're doing the right things. Patience is required in crypto as well, due to the numerous uncertainties that occur. Many people have written off bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because they lack patience and see no future for this fascinating technology. I merely inform them that there may be a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel. All we have to do now is cross our fingers and wait to see what happens. We should not jump to judgments or dismiss someone too quickly.
Final Words
Patience has served me well in the past both in real life and my crypto life. It has saved me some grief and has really brought me success. Nobody has ever expressed remorse for their patience. You, too, will not succeed! I'd like to see a world where people are more patient. I'd like to see crypto enthusiasts that believe in the future of cryptocurrency. We believe that blockchain technology will eventually take over the entire world. If only we could wait - and be patient while doing so.
Thank you for reading
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Dear @pocolocoo , I agree with you!😄
Yeah, patience has truly change my life. It really pays
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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