Town hall link:
there will be no training option (staking the NFTs and upgrading them in this way). Also, there is no scheduled tournaments, cups. (Have no idea where the whitepaper yearly 5M GLX rewards for tourneys, cups will go then...) They just mentioned, it is an additional thing. Personally, I did not find any kind of football manager (online or offline) game without that. And generally, it would be a great motivation, try to reach given player's level within leagues, tournaments.
the market move is obvious, if you watched the townhall. They mentioned: the card combining in regular cards case can reach 400 pieces to get to the maximum level. nothing exact about gold foil ones. There were some reaction...
They did not say anything about coaches, nor showed a full match gameplay.
Personally, the only positive thing for me: my GLGT speculation probably will work out.
Also no mention about stadiums' price. But it will be probably horribly expensive, as they said: there will be 3 public stadium (for staked glx, glusd, glgt) and the rest will be private. So stadiums will be out of option for most players...
Pleased to note that there's a lot more to expect. I'm pleased that I finally made more sales.
Please where can I see the cards that I've sold?
I don't know. You can see the card ID and price on hiveblocks, but I'm really confused, as hard to select, which ones are the sells and listings, so I don't even try to find it out anymore.
i was wrong. blocks show only listings.
it's very complicated to check the sells/buys.