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RE: ASX no longer Bullish on Blockchain Tech

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I always like to check behind these kind of 'news', even if it's almost 100% sure some kind of legalized fraud. We have plenty like this all around the world.

I was curious, who are the biggest shareholders (owners) of ASX. I couldn't find the answer.

It's out there, but I couldn't find a free source. If you know, just out of curiousity, share it, please!

Also couldn't find what other companies were involved, with who they had any kind of contract regarding this matter.

However, I could find, they could manage to reduce the dividends payment for last half year and also writing off the losses resulted a 75M AUD income tax benefit...
(Last pdf report, page 17, point 3)

We've seen, read millions like this, so the answer for the question: Who has the money? The biggest shareholders + the contractors' owners, shareholders. And don't be surprised, if they are the same, with few more intermediate corporations. I'm also sure, if you dig a bit you'll find the gov connection piece, too. It's always there... :)


I believe that's the basis of the ASIC investigation in relation to the conflicts of interest and misleading information. We will have to wait and see what else comes of it.