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RE: How to get shit done you don't want to do

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Oh boy! it is seen that my logical arguments loaded with humor and irony fly above your head rendering you unable to catch them with a minimum of synderesis.

Just for the record. Neither this user is an upstart/noob as you want to make he looks like as such. Nor he lacks of a bulky & peculiarly opulent network of consolidated networkers either. };)


Oh boy! it is seen that my logical arguments loaded with humor and irony fly above your head rendering you unable to catch them with a minimum of synderesis.


Just for the record. Neither this user is an upstart/noob as you want to make he looks like as such. Nor he lacks of a bulky & peculiarly opulent network of consolidated networkers either. };)

Neither of which matter when you have something valuable someone wants.

Value? value? Something valuable? ¿Value?

Do you still didn't realize how useless the concept of "value" is without a network that previously agreed that something has it?


The King of Logic and «-networking-» ;o)