How to obtain liquidity in the crisis

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Crises are an opportunity to meet the needs of people. If you can offer efficient solutions quickly, that help to people in a crisis can pay off big. Ask yourself: What needs can you attend to professionally promptly and efficiently? The key is to be helpful in a timely manner. The more value you contribute to people, the greater your chance of generating income.

Crises are OPPORTUNITIES to sell excellent products and services that people demand. Now we can bring our emotional and financial intelligence to face this situation.

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Crises are temporary

While we must not underestimate and underestimate the importance of following the global guidelines set by the political, social and economic authorities, we must also never panic. It is correct to be alert, but not to allow fear to take over. Fear is a bad advisor, it inhibits energy, drives anxiety and stress, brings mental confusion. Like all pandemics and crises, no matter how tough and difficult, remember that they are TEMPORARY and we know that only “the strongest” is the one who survives. Strength in this case is to be flexible, adaptable, creative, act diligently and according to the circumstances.

History has shown that every crisis is temporary and does not last forever. Crises bring with them cultural and social changes, but what we are interested in understanding are personal and economic ones.

Emotional stability is an important skill in your personal and financial development. Remembering that this is temporary, that "everything happens", will give you courage and objectivity to act with confidence.

What market benefits / affects in this situation?

If we have been able to manage and control our emotions as well as possible, we must now analyze the situation and pay attention to the key signals. In a pandemic we know that the health system is on alert. It is important to analyze which resources are rapidly depleting (covers mouths and sanitary products was what this pandemic taught us, for example). Detect if there is a service that is now in demand, it would be good to "invest" in it, if you can get money and profit from your business.

Here you have a series of sectors that present opportunities: Health, Nutrition, Welfare, Finance and Logistics. Everything related to digital transformation is an activity on the rise.

Trends 2021-2022:

Re-Commerce: Reuse everything, extend the life of things

Circular economy: Rent everything you don't want to buy

Brand ideology: Transparent, sustainable, ethical, diversity

Change of models: Habitat, production, distribution, consumption

Education: Learn to learn

Skills: Development of personal and professional skills

We are not saying that you start any initiative that comes to your mind. Analyze the situation, the market, the competition. Make a list of possibilities and do an analysis of the situation, with the SWOT model: Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats. Spend some time developing the Activity or Business Plan.

  • Can you develop the strategy quickly to take advantage of the opportunity that the situation presents?
  • Do you have the personal, time and financial resources to offer / sell the products or services?
  • Do you know the market?.
  • Are you very clear who your direct customer is?
  • Are the prices and costs adequate?
  • Are you exposed to any physical or economic risk?
  • Do you know the right sales channels?
  • Do you master the necessary marketing and communication skills?

Act fast and smart.

Acting quickly is a consequence of character and your ability to seize opportunities. Your experience, creativity and intelligence will help you implement these initiatives to serve and satisfy the needs of people. Having emotional stability and having analyzed the market objectively will allow you to make the best decision. Emotions are red flags in our life but most are related to the survival brain "the primitive brain" and are not accurate. When the person experiences a stressful situation, it is necessary to recover calm and analyze the situation and the opportunities. with logic.

If you are interested in how to make money investing in real estate and real estate, now is a good opportunity. House prices are going down, and predictably even more. Here are some real estate tips for you to take advantage of a situation like this.

Our body is a perfect machine, if we take care of it. The brain is an important tool that we must exercise every day. Thinking fast is not always the solution to a crisis. Acting fast happens after having thought slowly and deeply, analyzed the situation, after having contemplated the big picture. Only under these conditions can we be able to generate the right ideas to obtain profit and money in the current circumstances, providing the greatest value to people.

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