I wonder if the answer will change the way you think about crypto these days. Welcome to the new year according to the Gregorian calendar. For some folks it is already January 2nd, as you know time does go forward nonstop. So does crypto market. Even on Sunday it keeps going the same direction.
This is why crypto market is the best emulator of life.
Everybody has a direction in mind, this is why my answer could be irrelevant from the first paragraph.
Due to principles we will agree in one thing. We all want it to go to the moon. Not so fast my friend, you have your agenda like I have one in mind. While I am ready to hold and persevere, you might be waiting for the perfect occasion to cash out. This is where things start to mess around with value.
At the same time the concordance needs to exist to balance supply and demand. I wish I can come here and stick it to your brain. We both know it never work that way.
Somehow we both has to manage the situation and find a common ground like a DEX. I am to buy for a price while you are willing to sell. I think that would be the best direction of the market. As you have access to more information, you get to decide the market direction to a point. The more skin you have in the game, you can make move that can polarize the market.
This is why a decentralized market tend to fair better in that sphere.
I just read a comment suggesting that we could come to a year where the market will go sideways and even pessimism will establish for this year. That is clearly a direction. When you take into account banning to the right and regulation to the left, anything is possible.
Anything with financial that regular can manage without the banking system send the worry signal to the controlling party. With crypto there is no dictation.
Another direction that could make sense, has to do with the rise of DEFI. NFT market has been on the rise. Sport has been pulling their weight a lot into crypto. Institutions could decide it is about time we control crypto. What about BTC reaching $100k? This alone is positive source that could bring relief for crypto in 2022.
Either direction will benefit a participant. The country you are, could be the plausible cause for your crypto future. It should not be the reason for you to feel left behind. I always say as a holder you cannot go wrong with crypto. Inflation plays on your advantage if you can wait. As you follow crypto market, be ready to take the best direction for your growth.
We both know crypto is the future. We are not going back to fiat. We all know the reasons since they will co-exist for a while. Definitely crypto needs fiat more than ever to show its impeccable value.
Crypto penetration to the masses will prove the direction we are heading. If you have your hands in crypto for years, the direction of crypto is adapting slowly.
I think it is a good thing, giving you ample time to correct and revise your objectives. The writing on the wall is clear, you are the predecessor of anyone joining in 2022. If you did follow the right direction, this could be your year to pop. As a true believer, the direction of crypto has a lot to do with your plan.
You believe in Hive, you better make sure you have enough before it pops $5.
You think Leo token is the portal for DEFI and for Hive, you better get yourself ready to provide liquid. Get ready to curate the newcomer. I think the direction of crypto belongs to the diamond hands. While weak hands will FOMO at the first wave, they will provide opportunity to others.
The formula to find the right direction already implemented a while back. Buy low and sell high.
Look for tokens with room to grow. Stick to your plan. It does not matter if your plan is still in 2021, just focus and adjust to 2022.
If you are not a trader look for token with staking abilities.
Look for token with minimal down trend.
By the way read your fellow hiver in Leofinance, they have some good token that did very good.
Try not to go in many directions, you control your intake.
One thing you need to be sure of, make sure your direction is clear. Crypto direction is all about the market, but your direction should be crystal clear otherwise you will look like a cat chasing his tail.
Most businesses already map out 2022. We can do the same and project what direction we will take with our funds and crypto.
Sky is truly the limit and 2022 is the way to the stars.
Keep vesting in you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Learn more at https://hive.pizza.
@pouchon! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.definitely that is the idea to project ourselves and have a clear idea of what we want for ourselves. Already 2022 and I am sure that cryptocurrencies are the future and how he says we will not return to fiat money again, it is true we must work very hard and get a lot #Hive why later when it is at $ 5 it will be very difficult to get it. Greetings friend and happy 2022
I tend to believe the deflation side of the story for the general economy but the deflationary aspects of BTC makes it too appealing. So BTC should go up in value as more people want it and there is less being mined after each halving.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is the fact, crypto can go anywhere so it is in our hands to get it to favour us.
I’m staking my tokens like a maniac. Free money before the next big run.