
Buy more POLYCUBs as Price Finally bottoms- How to Convert $LEO on Hive to POLYCUB for xPOLYCUB - see if that's what you need to get started... if your money isn't in hive though, let me know where it is and I can help point you in the right direction

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

It is in HBD
But i have 3Leo coin can swap any assets you have on hive for hbd using the leo dex, or you have money in fiat or on other chains, i can help you move that too...i just need more information

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Can we talk on discord?
I followed you
I will be happy if you do the same☺️🤲

followed back, and sure! just add me to friends, Cervantes420#6141

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have followed you already

yes indeed, but send me a friend request on discord

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta