After crypto obliterates them there's going to be massive supply shortage as the world realizes that PHYSICAL gold/silver are actually scarce and no one is going to be buying that digital bullshit. The pegs will be broken and prices will spike as the digital market crashes.
This is especially true for silver where the manipulation has been so blatant that nobody even batted an eye when Deutsche Bank admitted they’d been manipulating it.
When the precious metals derivatives market start to blow, central banks will desperately try to keep gold exploding but they don’t care about silver. They hodl gold, not silver.
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I agree. The vapor-silver EFT's have no backing. Yeah, they're in vaults... billions of oz of silver in vaults, trust us. Silver street price is already 20 - 30% higher than "spot" price. These numbers will continue to grow. Gold has been hoarded for 1000's of years, we'd be shocked if every bank vault opened up and flooded the market. Silver has been consumed in photography, electronics, medicine, etc. What if silver outperforms gold someday? Who knows?
Sweet! Big fan of copper too. Very useful metal!