Many people dream of retirement, to be able to do what they please without having to work for it.
I love being retired, but it’s amazing how many chores come out of the woodwork. Probably, at most, only 15% of my time fits that “do what they please” sweet space.
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Have you ever wondered if the chares are necessary, or is it just part of us to continually find something to do? Even the richest in the world tend not to sit around and do nothing. Though, it could be said that what many of them do is useless :)
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In that I don’t have a staff, the chores are necessary. 😁
But doing nothing would get old very fast.
Ideally, I’d get to spend more time learning. Folk schools for crafts, more travel, music, woodworking. There would never be enough time.
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With a full staff at beck and call, you would still find chores to do, even if it is to manage the staff :)
Oh and I agree, never enough time. I don't know how people get bored.