Yesterday's practical was so interesting, getting to identify the external features of a cockroach. Will be going to school for another practical day. Have a great day 😘
Yesterday's practical was so interesting, getting to identify the external features of a cockroach. Will be going to school for another practical day. Have a great day 😘
Chai I hate cockroaches. Hope the practicals was well understood?
Yes it was
I was did this,I had to cut the cockroach open and then draw and identify it's internal organs, Although irritating,it was quite interesting.
Have a great day in school! Which course are you studying?
Wow, nice.
This cockroach died a shameful death. Hahaha. Do have a lovely day
This cockroach died a painful death, hahahahaha. On a serious note, I hope you did well in the practical.
This is the real Biology. The accuracy in dismembering the cockroach is funny to look at.