in LeoFinance3 years ago

I know you Seems to have everything now and it seems things will definitely keep on going like this for you, definitely I will honestly agreed with you that at times life might just be going the way you want, but on the other side I will still tell you that it is always profitable to actually keep something for the dry days, I honestly know that your raining days is definitely blooming and financially you seems to be enjoying life and everything that seems to do with it too, but their is one thing that is very important in life and that is saving.

If their is any season to have thought people what dry season can be or how important saving in life is, it is definitely the pandemic period that happened two years , this period is definitely a clear reason why having a saving culture is very important and vital and most especially having some fund set aside for emergency purpose too.

It is very important that you know that having your fund saved somewhere to be able to meet for some circumstances in future is definitely important and not even with that alone, saving in life will definitely help in making sure that you have something to get back at when you don't have enough strength to work like before.

With the level of economy conditions currently in today's world, things are not in good shape and even the level of volatility that comes with inflation with steady increase worldwide as indeed led to people running into debt too for various monetary reasons.

Right now as far as am concern and base on my understanding the only shortcut not to fall into unwanted debt right now is to have a means of saving fund in a diligent way to be able to meet up with some unforeseen financial circumstances too.

How much should you now save

The above heading need to be well looked into mate's and trust me it is very important you know that saving comes with the ability to deny yourself some things for a certain period of time , which means you might have to look into o reducing how you spend money before and other things too. Another thing you need to be ready to do is how much can you be able to set aside from your income base on how it comes in.

Setting a goal for the amount you will be setting apart is one thing you need to be sure of and you have to be consistent about this. One thing that people do this days also is engaging in the popular method of 20% ratio of whatever your are earning while the rest after the deduction of the 20% goes to your general cost or expenses as you might want to call it.

I want to be very certain that bringing in this logic is definitely realistic, the allocation of 20% from your earning is definitely a very secure method that will definitely help your budgets too and even to me I still sincerely think that more can be done too in the issue of percentage to be locked up as savings , but of all I sincerely think that is all about your reasons for why you are actually saving.


Irrespective of how buoyant you are now, the importance of saving can't be over looked. cause it has a way of making sure that your financial life is heavily secured. To me say having a sound financial life that makes you free from every unwanted debt is all about cultivating the habit of saving irrespective of what you earn. Some might see the 20% rules as the best method that helps in saving base on their Income, but I will definitely suggest that you find a means of figuring out the best method that will definitely suit your income too.

Thanks for reading.

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