Researching price predictions of the assets you hold is one of the most exciting parts of owning risky, highly volatile investments. Do you ever wonder where the price predictions come from though? Between the market data and just pure luck, how does one really make a prediction? In order to review my research further, I've decided to make a prediction of my own on the price of bitcoin.
I have been investing in bitcoin for a few years now, and closely watched the price charts since day one. In my opinion, I feel I can make an accurate prediction of the bitcoin price, please remember that this is strictly for the purpose of my post. Also, there is no data behind this prediction, other than my own knowledge. Here it goes, my prediction for bitcoin by April 20th, 2021 is $100,000.
That's right, I have predicted that bitcoin will reach $100,000 by 4/20! It may be a long shot, in reality, bitcoin may take a little while longer to hit 100k. However, if this happens bitcoin will receive so much attention for hitting six figures. Keep HODLING everyone!
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