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RE: Bitcoin's Days Are Numbered

in LeoFinance3 years ago

they say, 'people have the power'. here in Russia we are not allowed even to pronoubnce the word 'war' - in public... many people secretly leave green ribbons in public places - a silent sign of their disagreement with gang politics. we cannot change the situation, our country has long been stolen by thieves. sorry for this sudden exclamation. all the reasonable folks here are shocked and frustrated.


Its similar in the west, except the word you are not allowed to say is "peace". Meaning we are not allowed to advocate anything that could possibly deescelate the situation from all out world war between nuclear powers or you are a "russian asset". In germany businesses are attacked even for merely employing such people - or even people whos grandparents fled from russia becouse im sure they are somehow responsible.

Wow this is shocking to read. I thought that germans are quite neutral

Germany is not neutral, Germany is divided in two groups, it is pure black and white, some say driven by government and their official media. Result families split and fight each other, some things are not well received to be said in public otherwise you get bashed.

Wow so sad.....this separation never leads to good things long term...

Oh we recently had this nice article about it being entirely legal for germans to join the war and on either side so long as they are identifyable as combatants and dont do warcrime..... buuuuut we would stop people from fighting on the side of russia as well as anyone they deem to be an extremist would be stopped from going to fight for ukraine, too. Obviously i think fighting for any nationstate to be a bad idea but it is also clear that this requires giving up on the idea that we shouldnt illegaly detain people for legal activities. Yeah its not great.
We also banned russia today and sputnik from europe. So now if you only follow normal news you can only learn negative things about the west and only positive things about russia unless of course you believe everything unquestioningly, if you dont, well those are the parts you can believe from western media becouse they go counter to what theyd like you to tell, so... Now if i was cynical id suggest maybe that is the aim, to make people more extremely opposed to the west so that they can justify more violence against dissenters... other than that i dont see there being a point to it.

In the end I believe that we are all the same and that wars can only throw the illusion that somehow humans can become enemies over a piece of land or over resources. Everybody on this Planet will die empty handed as we take nothing from what we have accumulated. Rich or poor, civilian or politician, we are the same. It is a pitty that mass media and the collective mentality promotes this separation. I wish for a better future for the children, where they will realize that we can all live in peace if we want to

Been there. At this point had to disassociate from pretty much anyone i know IRL, including my family for they are activly evil, supporting for example the whole vaccine bullshit. Which as someone with a background in medicine she knows for a fact to be a conspiracy of mass murder. Thats not a criticism on the vaccines, thats the conspiracy theory they would promote, that to think it is a conspiracy of mass murder the vaccine has to be more dangerous than any other treatment or drug. No. But all drugs and treatments have sideffects and those if a large number of people are treated will kill a few. Wether its aspirin or even iodine after a nuclear disaster. And if people dont undergo a treatment with voluntary consent, yes, that is murder. I will not consider myself part of a society that fails to imprison all nurses and physicians that in any way participated in it or materially supported it however indirectly for life for this.

There is a lot of mental wash happening right now, it takes extra mental strenght to choose the right people to be around in these tough times

Well, yeah.
Its getting bad. Family members of mine disassociating from and wishing painful death on people theyve been friends with longer than ive been alive. Merely for not buying into current thing.
Its lonely in germany. I hope to be able to flee to the third world, things are much better there tbh.

Damn! How did democracy we end up so low... maybe the future generations will explicit it clear and loud. I know only the one thing for sure -- Big Money won, and it is rather about capitalism, not democracy... right?
This what you say about the cituation in Germany, sounds like we all are being manipulated -- in a devilish manner. 🙄😳😳😳😶

I would suggest that manpipulation goes back even further, that democracy or socialism and capitalism are indeed in part misunderstood in meaning in part misunderstood in implications. The reason why i think people think the people with money are capitalists and forgot that corporations are a socialist idea lies more in the economic model, that is, keynesian economics, which focusses on the exchange of money and not any money, either, state issued money, fiat currency.
Which really at this point, how is that much different to a social credit system when they can directly freeze or take from your bank account? Increasingly, only socialists can be rich in this system.

Whereas an austrian economist would very much describe it as profitable to feed the poor, provided you value knowing that people do not starve.
Democracy, well weve had that in the weimar republic as well.
Heres the thing about a democratic republic, all the incentives are in favor of more and more centralisation of power.
And morally i dont see how democracy is different from a gang-rape anyways.

We can very much analyse governance through the lense of economics - the privately owned state of a monarchy versus the public owned state of a democracy, with the added distinction that also they are only elected temporarily so that they own only the current usage of the state and not its capital growth, incentivising the draining for personal benefit in the shortterm whereas a monarch actualy owns the realm, can pass it on, sell it in whole or in part and so on so that the incentives would be a lot more longterm. It also means as a civilian you are a lot less concerned with war, the distinction between combatant and civilian are a lot more clearly defined.
Of course there can be bad and authoritarian monarchs but even then, they are relativly easy to deal with with as the people get themselves some sharp tools.

Im not a monarchist, mind, i am advocating for voluntaryism or capitalism, in the vein of Proudhon (yes, hes the guy that said "Property is theft" - in context speaking about illegitimate property gained through violence as most landproperty was gained that way rather than through legitimate homesteading). He also said "Property is liberty"), mises, rothbard and hoppe.

If anything, the way seems to be going more socialist going forward, with central bank digital currencies directly tied to a digital ID system, the bank of England outright explicitly suggesting that it could be programmable so that people could only buy what the government says is essential or whatever your employer allows you to buy, advertising it with how convenient it would make it to control how your child is allowed to spend its pocket money and shit like that.

Oh I can understand how this reality in which you live can be frustrating. Russia looks like a very bad place to live in now, with no freedom of choice...

This is truly reminds me of the communist times which happened here in my country Romania. Hard to believe that in 2022 this is still a reality