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RE: Staking my $PIZZA Tokens on Vft Lab

in LeoFinance4 years ago

This is what I feel, replied above.

So demand of their NFT(that require VFT to purchase them) ,deposit fees , (musician creating there brand NFT and paying fees in VFT , but not sure) is some ways can keep giving value to VFT but nothing is assured.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


So what value does holding user's funds provide exactly? Surely they'd be better off keeping the inflation of their token and selling it rather than giving it away to people for free essentially?

Every day 1000 VFT is minted(fixed in number) and distributed to pool holder in proportion to their Stake,

Yes, I get that. Why do they need people to deposit money though, what is the benefit to this significant financial security risk?

That's a valid question, depositor are at risk and everyone has their own calculation to invest in it.

Like knowhow say it is ok to take $30 risk. In my case risk is of almost $500 , but my personal trust on liuke and ML tribe , desire/greed of creating passive income is making making me to ignore this fact(depositor's risk).

I guess everyone has their own thinking to put the money on this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta