
Well, I'm going to tag you in every thread that has, tag me the same in yours jajaja, don't burn anything !!!!

hahahah fine i am cool now i am not gonna burn🔥🔥

They haven't put up a leaderboard?

i think in less than an hour a new one is going to he published 🔥
Hopefully #brownlions are gonna make difference this time

I think so, but I think they've already updated it.

oh than i am going to check, wait for me i am coming


yep you are right so we need to make our attacks even stronger

So come on lion attack!!! Without burning anything remember...

You are right it’s up and blacklions are ahead with small difference so i think it’s time for #brownlions to attack😁 Lioness @jordy0827 the leadership is yours🦁

jajajaa leadership is ours!!! everybody's!!!! #brownlions

hahaha that’s the spirit of the leader way to go girl🦁💪

jajaajaja, you are funny